Gelişmiş Arama

Toplam kayıt 1005, listelenen: 937-956

      Künye Göre
      Tuna, A. (2019). A new generalization of Ostrowski type inequalities on arbitrary time scale. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 9(2), 172-185. [1]
      Tunç, T., Budak, H. & Sarıkaya, M. Z. (2018). On functional generalization of Ostrowski inequality for conformable fractional integrals. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 8(2), 495-508. [1]
      Turacı, T. (2019). On the average lower 2-domination number of a graph. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 9(3), 658-665. [1]
      Turhan, E. & Körpınar, T. (2012). Rectifying developable surface of timelike biharmonic curve in the lorentzian heisenberg group heis. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 2(1), 101-108. [1]
      Uddin, I., Ali, J. & Gürsoy, F. (2020). Stability and data dependence results for Zamfirescu multi-valued mappings. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 10(3), 702-709. [1]
      Uddin, M., Khan, S. & Kamran. (2018). On the numerical solution of fractional order differential equations using transforms and quadrature. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 8(1A), 267-274. [1]
      Uzunca, M. (2021). Preservation of the invariants of Lotka-Volterra equations by iterated deferred correction methods. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 11(4), 1080-1092. [1]
      Üçer, S. E. (2024). Teknoloji transferinin ekonomi-politiği: Türkiye haberleşme şebekesi örneği. Social Review of Technology and Change, 2(1), 22-42. [1]
      Ünlütürk, Y. & Özüsağlam, E. (2013). On parallel surfaces in minkowski 3-space. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 3(2), 214-222. [1]
      Ünlütürk, Y. & Yılmaz, S. (2018). New characterizations of spacelike curves on timelike surfaces through the link of specific frames. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 8(1A), 330-340. [1]
      Ünlütürk, Y., Dede, M., Savcı, Ü. Z. & Ekici, C. (2016). On curves of constant breadth in G¹₃. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 6(1), 64-69. [1]
      Ünlüyol, E., Salaş, S. & Dalkun, G. (2021). Improvements on some inequalities of Hermite Hadamard inequalities for functions when a power of the absolute value of the second derivative h and P-convex. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 11(1), 89-100. [1]
      Ünver, A. (2016). Yeni Ortadoğu’da meşruiyet, bağımsızlık ve egemenlik – 1. Dünya Savaşı’nın müdahale dersleri. Yeni Ortadoğu: Toplum, Siyaset ve Ekonomi Konferansı. (s.11-14). İstanbul: Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları. [1]
      Ünver, M., Özçelik, G. & Olgun, M. (2020). A pre-subadditive fuzzy measure model and its theoretical interpretation. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 10(1), 270-278. [1]
      Vadivel, A. & Sundar, C. J. (2023). Somewhat neutrosophic δ-irresolute continuous mappings in neutrosophic topological spaces. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 13(2), 773-781. [1]
      Vaidya, S. K. & Isaac, R. V. (2017). Some results on total chromatic number of a graph. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 7(2), 332-336. [1]
      Vaidya, S. K. & Pandit, R. M. (2015). Graphs with equal domination and independent domination number. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 5(1), 74-79. [1]
      Vaidya, S. K. & Shah, N. H. (2014). Domination integrity of total graphs. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 4(1), 117-126. [1]
      Vaidya, S. K. & Vadhel, H. D. (2023). Congruent dominating sets in a graph - a new concept. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 13(4), 1658-1668. [1]
      Vaithyasubramanian, S., D., L. & M.I., M. M. (2022). Timed colored Petri Net generating Arrays. TWMS Journal Of Applied And Engineering Mathematics, 12(2), 547-555. [1]