Gelişmiş Arama

Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

    • Bigeometric integral calculus 

      Boruah, Khirod; Hazarika, Bipan (Işık University Press, 2018)
      Objective of this paper is to discuss about the properties of indefinite and definite bigeometric integration. We also discuss about some applications of bigeometric integration.
    • G-Calculus 

      Boruah, Khirod; Hazarika, Bipan (Işık University Press, 2018)
      Based on M. Grossman in [13] and Grossman an Katz [12], in this paper we prove geometric Rolle’s theorem, Taylor’s theorem, Mean value theorem. Also, we discuss about the properties and applications of bigeometric calculus.