Güncel Gönderiler: Dergiler / Journals
Toplam kayıt 1131, listelenen: 21-40
Divisor equitable domination in fuzzy graphs
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)The dominance of graph theory in a number of domains, including coding theory, facility location issues, biological network modelling and bus routing, has been credited with a wide range of applications. Finding the right ... -
An innovative RNA cryptosystem using moore machine
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)RNA Cryptography plays an exciting role in research, that has capability to provide a novel approach for the secure communication in the internet from terrible assailant. This paper presents the novel technique of RNA ... -
Fault estimation based on observer for fractional-order Lu system with bifurcation problem
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)Control systems have been susceptible to faults in recent years due to the complexities of their equipment and long-term function. These faults can reduce system performance, impose losses and casualties, and/or reduce ... -
Travelling wave solutions for the time-fractional equations by the Sine-Gordon expansion method
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)The aim of this paper is to explore travelling wave solutions by utilising the novel sine-Gordon expansion method for the time-fractional (1 + 1)-dimensional Hirota Satsuma equation and the time-fractional (2 + 1) -dimensional ... -
Seidel energy of non-commuting graph for the group U6n
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)The non-commuting graph for the group G, denoted by ΓG, whose vertex set contains all group elements excluding central elements, where two distinct vertices vi and vj are adjacent whenever vivj ≠ vjvi. The non-diagonal ... -
New cryptosystem using linear combination of function and Sumudu transform with Python code
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)In today’s digital world, information protection is essential for every individual, banking sector, e-commerce, etc., which can be done through cryptography. Cryptography protects the information in such a way that ... -
Warped product of a quasi-hemi slant submanifolds with trans para Sasakian manifolds
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)In the present paper, we define and study quasi hemi-slant submanifolds as a generalization of slant submanifolds, semi-slant submanifolds and hemi-slant submanifolds for a trans para-Sasakian manifold. Further we study ... -
A study on bipolar intuitionistic fuzzy soft graphs and its application
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)The concept of bipolar intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets and graph structure are combined, which is a new concept bipolar intuitionistic fuzzy (BIF) soft graph (SG). In this article, we introduce the notion of a BIF SG and ... -
Construction of optimal regulators for multipoint problems of dynamic systems
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)All papers must include an abstract of no more than 120 and no less than 100 words, including articls and prepositions. Authors should avoid complicated mathemathical symbols and tables in this part of the paper since it ... -
Continuity and boundedness of linear operators on neutrosophic 2-normed spaces
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)In present work, we aim to introduce certain concepts of continuity that is weak, strong and sequentially continuity of linear operators defined on neutrosophic 2-normed spaces. We provide an example that shows sequential ... -
The Nordhaus-Gaddum-type inequalities for the Nirmala indices
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)Nowadays, deducing the bounds and relations between known topological indices is an interesting tool in Chemical Graph Theory (CGT). This article investigates the mathematical properties of the recently defined Nirmala ... -
Y-index and S-index based new topological indices of Titania nanotubes in graph
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)Topological index is a numerical descriptor of a molecule; it is found that there is strong correlation between the properties of chemical compounds and their molecular structure based on a specific topological feature of ... -
Edge incident 2-edge coloring sum of graphs
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)The edge incident 2-edge coloring number, ψ′ein2(G), of a graph G is the highest coloring number used in an edge coloring of a graph G such that the edges incident to an edge e = uv in G is colored with at most two distinct ... -
ρ−Statistical boundedness
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)In this paper, we introduce and examine the concept of ρ−statistical boundedness and give some relations between statistical boundedness and ρ−statistical boundedness. We also introduce the notion of ρ−statistical upper ... -
On the injective chromatic number of splitting graph and shadow graph of certain regular and biregular graphs
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)The injective chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by χi(G) is the minimum number of colors needed to color the vertices of G such that two vertices with a common neighbor are assigned distinct colors. The splitting graph ... -
On a fractional wave equation with singular initial data
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)This paper focuses on the time fractional wave equation with the use of conformable derivative D(α) for 1 < α < 2 which we will prove to be inside Colombeau algebra, the initial data are singular distibution. Nets of ... -
Existence of periodic solutions for generalized nonlinear third-order delay differential equations
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)In this manuscript, we investigate the existence of solution to generalized third-order non-linear delay differential equation with periodic coefficients, which includes many important integral and functional equations ... -
Some results of the nonlinear hybrid fractional differential equations in Banach algebra
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)In this paper, a fixed point theorem of Dhage is used to prove under mixed Lipschitz and Caratheodory conditions the existence of solutions for a nonlinear hybrid fractional differential equation in Banach algebra with ... -
Prime and co-prime edge anti-magic vertex labeling of families of unicyclic graphs in sensor network
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)A finite simple undirected graph containing p vertices and q edges is called as prime anti-magic if it has an injection from the vertex set of integers {1, 2, . . . , p} satisfying that for each edge uv, the labels given ... -
Analysis and computations of chromatic index for a class of integral sum graphs based on edge coloring and edge-sum coloring
(Işık University Press, 2025-01)We consider families of integral sum graphs H−i,s m,ϕ and H−i,s ϕ,j , where −i < 0 < s, 1 ≤ m < i and 1 ≤ j < s for all i, s, m, j ∈ N. Since the graphs contains parameters i and s, so it is difficult to compute theoretical ...