Yayın tarihi için Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları listeleme
Toplam kayıt 1178, listelenen: 1-20
An application of modified reductive perturbation method to symmetric regularized-long-wave
(Işık University Press, 2011-01)In this work, we extended the application of "the modified reductive perturbation method" to symmetrical regularized long waves with quadratic nonlinearity and obtained various form of KdV equations as the governing ... -
Computational and asymptotic methods in aeroacoustics with applications
(Işık University Press, 2011-01)In this article the computational and asymptotic methods used in aeroacoustics are reviewed. In particular, two different aeroacoustic applications are demonstrated.In the first problem we investigate the first and second ... -
Application of the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and variational iteration method (VIM) to gas dynamic equation
(Işık University Press, 2011-02-26)A gas-dynamic control system is one where the path of an object in flight is controlled by either the generation or redirection of gas flow out of an orifice rather than with the traditional movable control surfaces. In ... -
New approach to the solutions of the pib equation
(Işık University Press, 2011-02-27)In this paper, based on the Exp-function method and mathematical derivation, we obtain several explicit and exact traveling wave solutions for the PIB equation. -
Some properties of hyperbolic contact manifold in a quasi sasakian manifold
(Işık University Press, 2011-02-28)The present paper deals with different geometrical properties of hyperbolic contact manifold of a quasi sasakian manifold. In the end we studies the properties of the Integrability of the distributions on a hyperbolic ... -
Variation formulas of solution for a controlled functional-differential equation considering delay perturbation
(Işık University Press, 2011-03-05)Variation formulas of solution are proved for a controlled non-linear functionaldifferential equation with constant delay and the continuous initial condition. In this paper, the essential novelty is the effect of delay ... -
Generalized (2+1)?dimensional breaking soliton equation
(Işık University Press, 2011-04-05)In this work, a general (2+1)-dimensional breaking soliton equation is investigated. The Hereman’s simplified method is applied to derive multiple soliton solutions, hence to confirm the model integrability. -
Distributional derivatives on a regular open surface with physical applications
(Işık University Press, 2011-05-03)The spatial derivatives of Schwartz-Sobolev distributions which display singularities of arbitrary order on an arbitrary regular open surface are investigated. The contributions of the present investigation to literature ... -
On generalized sarmanov bivariate distributions
(Işık University Press, 2011-05-15)A class of bivariate distributions which generalizes the Sarmanov class is introduced. This class possesses a simple analytical form and desirable dependence properties. The admissible range for association parameter for ... -
The ??2F ? summable sequences of strongly fuzzy numbers
(Işık University Press, 2011-05-20)We introduce the classes of ? 2F ? (A, p) ? summable sequences of strongly fuzzy numbers and give some relations between these classes. We also give a natural relationship between ? 2F ? ? summable sequences of strongly ... -
A prediction regarding the weakening of the blue shift of light from geosynchronous satellites
(Işık University Press, 2011-06-13)We base the present approach, on an alternative theory of gravitation, consisting essentially on the law of energy conservation broadened to embody the mass & energy equivalence of the Special Theory of Relativity, and ... -
Lie-poisson integrators for a rigid satellite on a circular orbit
(Işık University Press, 2011-07-14)In the last two decades, many structure preserving numerical methods like Poisson integrators have been investigated in numerical studies. Since the structure matrices are different in many Poisson systems, no integrator ... -
On various characterizations of supercomplete mappings
(Işık University Press, 2011-07-27)The supercomlete uniformly continuous mappings has been introduced and its some properties has been studied. The category characterization of the supercomplete uniformly continuous mappings has been found. -
On existence of periodic solutions of the KDV type equation
(Işık University Press, 2011-07-27)We prove the existence of the periodic solutions of the KDV type of equation with respect to time variable with periodic external force. Using the integral substitution we reduce the original equation to the integral ... -
The v-invariant ?2 sequence spaces
(Işık University Press, 2011-08-01)In this paper we define v? invariatness of a double sequence space of ? and examine the v? invariatness of the double sequence space of ?. Furthermore, we give duals of double sequence space of ?. -
On complex multiplicative differentiation
(Işık University Press, 2011-08-05)In the present paper we discuss multiplicative differentiation for complexvalued functions. Some drawbacks, arising with this concept in the real case, are explained satisfactorily. Some new difficulties, coming from the ... -
Runs based on discrete order statistics
(Işık University Press, 2011-08-16)In the present paper, we study runs based on discrete order statistics. Limit results for the total number of such runs and the length of the longest run are derived. -
Integrating analytical aeroelastic instability analysis into design optimization of aircraft wing structures
(Işık University Press, 2011-09-01)Two analytical flutter solution approaches have been developed to optimize two and three dimensional aircraft wing structures with design criteria based on aeroelastic instabilities. The first approach uses open loop ... -
Energy preserving methods for volterra lattice equation
(Işık University Press, 2011-09-11)We investigate linear energy preserving methods for the Volterra lattice equation as non-canonical Hamiltonian system. The averaged vector field method was applied to the Volterra lattice equation in bi-Hamiltonian form ... -
Mathematical modeling of the dissolution process of silicon into germanium melt
(Işık University Press, 2011-10-16)Numerical simulations were carried out to study the thermosolutal and flow structures observed in the dissolution experiments of silicon into a germanium melt. The dissolution experiments utilized a material configuration ...